20. Day at sea – Rockin’ and Rollin’

Dear Readers,

Since last night, the weather is modest, the sky overcast and
regularly flushed a shower of rain the rest of the salt of the last 2.000
Miles out of the sails. But we do not just all, for we
are in the final sprint to Horta! This morning against 8 Clock time
we passed Flores, the first island of the Azores, well 40 Miles to the south
and are now in the approach and its capital Horta on Faial.

The wind is at about 4-5 Winds from astern, leaves the Gavdos
Surf the wave coming from the mountains again and again into surfing and
one tack to another roll and roll. Received for three hours
we are the first radio station to Horta, in the clock since then to the detritus
the boat deck of all speaker echoes. Here it is 15 Clock
Local time, There are only good 80 Miles to the harbor entrance and
our 7 Knots we are very confident, we currently
Sunrise facing a web of marina. Just in time für
a yummy, Portuguese espresso for breakfast! 🙂

Before one last night ahead of us. I just got the long,
double vigil. Twice three hours. But I do not think, that
we will stick to the day Regeluns. Course after midnight
the coast was already in front of us and then we will both
spellbound on the deck and watch, how the island has slowly
Horizon pushes. Call at an island at night – for my
Feel – always an impressive experience. Above all, when
it has traveled the island never before and does not know in daylight.
First we see, due to the curvature of the earth, only a light
Lights on the horizon, then suddenly you can individual lights
make up. Eventually all the illuminated streets and
Localities. To about 5 Miles off the coast, you can not
introduce, that in the Lichterwirrwar ever one entry into
aims to provide a safe haven. Then you get closer and manchesmal
crept in me at this moment giving us a certain fear, ob man
After the many miles of open sea so close to the so inviting,
but at the same unregenerate, unclear and felt insecure land zoom
should dare. Then comes one more detail and first scenes of the port city
can be identified, embankments and then at some point the
Harbor entrance. If you then turn south into the harbor, It is a sense,
as they come from a roaring into a still sleeping world. All
is quietly. We will then look for a berth and the
Sunrise wait. Then the authorities, Einklarieren, Passport control
– and then espresso and shower. In GENAU DER Reihenfolge 😉

But first, nor the noon position today: 38 Grad 41'N, 030 Grad
19.7'In. Etmal: 137 Miles.

As far as a last blog entry by Iridium from board. I rise
tomorrow from the port of Horta!

Many greetings to all – and thank you, ensure that in this Atlantic crossing
waiting with it! 🙂

Your John